So Jennifer’s family started calling me Viking David and now others have too… not sure how I feel about that but it could be worse? I could be asshole David? May has oddly flown by and yet crawled and slithered slowly each single day, but hey as a month it too could have been worse! Finished, and by finished I mean sort of, Witch Wheel Rune. It’s pretty cool.
A friend/astrologer told me this year in particular Leos had a hard time in July. I was like July: alway sucks! I was truly overwhelmed but I DID IT!! Let’s see I re-published 2 Coriander books. I finished Elf scene and Shot the Mth-F-er! Looks great btw. I put together my Paris travel videos (will post soon) AND had to take care of some good friends in need. Also organized No Room for Shakespeare read thru in Sept. Stay tuned.
See what I did there with brace-lets???? I am so Wonder Woman! I am currently spinning! And not to transform into a powerful Amazon, because let’s face it I already am one! No I’m spinning and leaping and smiling from two great reviews! I know. I know. One should not need outside or critic/s praise to validate them artistically! BUT still, a nice review is a great feeling. AND I do need pulls for when I take this show on even more roads! The two so far came from the Orlando Weekly an the Orlando Sentinel
”an energetic and entertaining piece of theater whose greatest achievement might be shedding light on an unsung part of history without feeling like a lecture. You’ll laugh throughout but a little while afterward, you might find yourself contemplating how marginalized groups are left out of the “official” historical record. And you’ll certainly tip the next time you’re at a drag show.”
“Fabulously Fierce. Mo-mo is an enlightening and entertaining introduction to a topic deserving of more attention”