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Category: performance

David LeBarron / performance
29 May


In April I went to Roatan. That's my excuse for not entering a post. LOL Actually, April was tough. Lots of emotion. Mike and I ran away from LA and to an island.  I learned that I cannot snorkel, BUT I got better at it. One day I may even be a snorkeler.  (Don't hold your breath) (that was snorkel hour) A thing I realized, that I write here to remember, is maintenance. like running costs in theatre...
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2 Aug

This is July’s POST DAMMIT!

I thought after Fringe and Pride month July would be all mellow and chill. HA!!! Nope. So, although it is technically August, I started this post on the 31st and it crashed! Not fair!!! Lol Ok Start with all the good: Fringe was awesome. I won an award. Got an extension. I love this show. And, although I really need a break, I cannot wait to do it again! SF Fringe? NYC Fringe? Orlando??  New book is out! It took far too long to get the cover art but I think it’s worth it. I decided not to push it until I am almost done with Book 2! I think that’s smart? Maybe? We’ll see. It might get e off my ass to finish the second book!!! Just not enough time in the days? I’ll figure it out (Always do), ya know! The bar is a thing and I love it! I just gotta get some balance and not like BALANCE just daily balance? Have some ideas. We shall see. Maybe I can teach myself to write at night like I used to?? I just got so: I wake I write! Now: I wake I count $$ or I wake I gym, therefore I am! 

25 May

Learning lines.. is awesome!

Welcome back to the theatre David LeBarron David LeBarron!  Wow, it's good to be back! I know I've done projects since, BUT 2019 is the last time I was actually on stage doing it for full-out realsy! Small projects and storytelling gigs are great but a full show? Even a 50 minute one? Is so much more! I can't belive I open in less than 2 weeks! The other morning 5am in LAs Vegas I totally had an actor's nightmare! LOL!!! I woke up thinking I know none of my lines!! SO I lied there and went through the script, a sort of mental stumble through, and I had it! Yeah I  messed up the order and at one point...
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26 Apr

Fringing Again and its GOOD!

WOW! Hollywood Fringe Festival 2023 here we come!It's been YEEEEEEARS since I was in the rehearsal process. What am I doing again? Which way is downstage?? Ha! Kidding. Shanna and I are having a blast! Blast is actually the perfect word! Blast of creativity and ideas and challenges!  We're pretty done with all the technical stuff, which has not been easy but been full of learning and relearning. Like how do I edit again? Now we're down to the book. Down to the dirty. Down to the get down. We open June 6th! Goddess bless this mess of a mind She gave me!! BUY TICKETS HERE!In other news, Little Miss Fetus, also directed by Ms. Beauchamp if you're nasty, is...
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