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22 May

Apparently I’m Viking David now….


So Jennifer’s family started calling me Viking David and now others have too… not sure how I feel about that but it could be worse? I could be asshole David? May has oddly flown by and yet crawled and slithered slowly each single day, but hey as a month it too could have been worse! Finished, and by finished I mean sort of, Witch Wheel Rune. It’s pretty cool. Not sure it’s good theatre but we shall see. It’s just tat I don’t think most will get it?!?!?! I have been full on slacker for Folly’s War but it’s too overwhelming in this pandemic to work of something so huge, ya know??? Outline a film idea The Last Box. It’s fucking brutal! Way more graphic and violent than I usually write or like but it’s more a treatise on yea pandemic!! LOL!!! Trying to post more on Half Tongue Tribe! Danis so much better than I am about that! I will! There is no try! Oh also I start an acting class on Monday! WHAT!!!!???!?! I know. But it’s half acting and half bizz which I hope kicks my butt into gear pandemic be damned!    SAVE 2020!!! Attack! Pillage and make it happen!!!!   I mean what else is a viking gonna do?

ALSO made this cool art and poem:

The Sun shines longer and bright
Squirrel and Raven rush to message
Drop swords!
Empty hands grasp more joy


David LeBarron
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