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Category: storytelling

David LeBarron / storytelling (Page 14)
2 Oct

Ahh makeup :)

I think I was born a sort of drag queen. Not trans really but more old school drag queen. When I was kid all  ever wanted was a disguise kit. I wanted to pretend to be other people from other places. I imagined I could pretend to be an old person, all crooked and wrinkled, and get senior rates at R movies!  I could look like a solider or business mans or wonder woman!In the 90's I did enough drag to earn the right to never wear heels again. But I've always  had a penchant for painting face. That and excess amounts of glitter.  Lately I've been telling some "Ancient Wisdom" tales. The kind that start with "Long ago when...
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19 Sep

“Been busy,” says the bad boy!

I’ve been a bad boy. And yet, like most bad boys I cry, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT.” But it is. I have been so busy I have not updated my blog in forever! Which is a shame because I love going back over my blog and remembering all the things and processes and ideas that shaped the years past.  Instead of apologizing let me update:EQUINOX is very live. I just released page 24! Check it out. I LOVE it! (I got thrown a loop when my letterer had a kid and oddly couldn’t finish the project J I had to re-hire someone with time on their hands and not an infant. I have a new guy: Keith who is great!)WICCA...
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4 Apr

Desert with agenda

Yes it's true: I've run back to my little desert cabin again! But this time it's more for joy and less escape. No really. I just like being silent. Not that I'm not working. Come on I am me! I finished a short and outline and came up with a new twist to an old story. I wrote a western outline a while back. (Prob because my infatuation with the desert more than westerns.) But it never really gelled. Then there I was, out in the sun, thinking about magick. And I thought "How come whenever anyone writes about desert magick they always go so Native American? What about desert faeries?" So I got thinking and quickly came up...
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