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26 Jan

Small things greatly

meI am reminded of Dr. Martin Luther King’s words: If you cannot do great things do small things in a great way. It has been in my mediations for a few weeks now. What are great things? What are small things? How do You do them greatly? What kind of person I am might be buried in those answers. Lately, I must confess, I have been a bit jealous and beating myself up a lot. It’s been hard to get really writing because some part of me has felt that it is useless. Another script sits on my laptop for what? That is not why I write and I have forgotten it. I write this now to remind myself.

So much information I receive is like if you aren’t an A-list actor or multi-million movie maker you have failed. It’s just wrong information and lies. Smiling at someone is a great action and it is small. Making art can often be a great thing and it is often made up of small things. It effects people in tiny tiny ways and sometimes greatly and sometimes only a tiny amount of people…greatly. I cannot let things like other people’s thermometers or ideas slowly cripple me. That would be the worst thing ever.It would be worse than giving up. I must remind myself again.

We just did APT 3F YEs Sir and the boys were fantastic. Not all of them were slick professionals, and we went well over time limits but it was so honest and sincere I felt so proud to be apart of the show. I want to show everyone how to have a voice and to turn that into something greater than they. I said at the beginning of the show, I was brought up in Silence = Death then perhaps Sharing = Life.

I may off the MLK intent but I feel we do great things all the time. I don’t just mean activism work: teaching kids, Kageno, curating queer art. Great things like forgiveness. Practicing love.

In a funny note: Here’s a meme I did getting ready for the show! In a second funny note Chris and I figured out the structure of our Hollywood show. I think it’ll be very funny and have a great message. Ah, there it is again: great. To do great things is not about great financial wealth. It is about being great. If you cannot plan for peace by war or achieve love thru hate perhaps you cannot be great for any other reason than being it?

Side note: Nina Simone on Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

David LeBarron
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