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4 Jan

Happy New Year

MArcsxy2016 I own you! ha ha OK been a weird and too busy end of 15…too much man. I am in much better spirits than previous overwhelmed David was. Mike’s death and memorial took a lot out of me. As well as some chosen and bio-family issues and growing pains (when do they stop?) Know Now got rewritten and is really sweet. I don’t think I can shoot it in Jan because well, it’s January! Maybe soon though. Yes Sir! Stories dressed in Leather is happening Jan 24th at Precinct. It seems pretty rad!! I hope hope hope it’s as awesome as I think it will be! That’s the pic of Marcus I took!!!! Lebarronisms is being edited. One minute I think they’re awesome and the next I look stupid. I will finish them and put them up and get some feedback……. I’m stuck rewriting 3 Numbers. In a good way but hard way. I think I need a week or two to simply write write write!! Speaking of which, WTF with Coriander? Do I continue it or go to Propensity? Today is the deadline for me and I still don’t know…. I might write a chapter of propensity and see if I like it??? There’s so much I want to do in 2016 but I want to do it smarter? This post reads as sad or confused and I’m not. A lot going on already and I really want this year to rock! So yea 2016 you are mine and we shall be amazing!!!

David LeBarron
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