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13 Oct

Busy as usual

Lebarron_doorHey there!I finished a short called Knot Now. It’s fun. I am pretty sure I’ll shoot it in Dec/Jan. Maybe. It comes from a feature I outlined a zillion years ago Zucchini. (I should finish that.) Rebecca and Dan’s wedding has turned into quite the writing project. It’s been fun but tons of work. Glad the book is done and we can perform it on Halloween! I finished 3 numbers. I love it. I will start rewriting when I get back form Kageno and the wedding. It’s a sweet love story. It’s naturalism (basically) which sort of freaks me out, but it’s a sweet love letter to where I am from. Maybe I’ll have a reading in Jan???? Nerd Anarchy will be back in March HURRAHHH My LORDS AND LADIES!!!! SO next year is already filling up 🙂 Of course. I’m always 6 months ahead do myself. How else would I be. OH!! also I’ve been teaching again! So much fun! So much work!!!! The kids are awesome. I hope we continue with new projects after their teacher (I’m subbing) gets back?!?!?!?!?!?

David LeBarron
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