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Category: writing thoughts

David LeBarron / writing thoughts (Page 12)
4 Apr

Desert with agenda

Yes it's true: I've run back to my little desert cabin again! But this time it's more for joy and less escape. No really. I just like being silent. Not that I'm not working. Come on I am me! I finished a short and outline and came up with a new twist to an old story. I wrote a western outline a while back. (Prob because my infatuation with the desert more than westerns.) But it never really gelled. Then there I was, out in the sun, thinking about magick. And I thought "How come whenever anyone writes about desert magick they always go so Native American? What about desert faeries?" So I got thinking and quickly came up...
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17 Mar

Concepts and finishing lines

Been busy. I started this blog to help people keep track of things I'm doing and I can't even keep up. ha ha. I haven't been writing a whole lot just designing and planning like crazy. Well that's not entirely true. I wrote a cool short I think I'm shooting late Spring. It's called Medea in Exile. I think this might just be the last Greek thing I do for a while (meaning a year or so :). I FINALLY developed an art concept for Sassy Scarf so now I get to format, budget and hire an artist. It seems a LGBT (an LGBT??) artist would get the story better but not necessarily. I might just be being overly protective,...
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5 Jan


Happy 2013 and I'm hiding! Just kidding. Well maybe not. I rented this awesome cabin in Joshua tree for the month to get some writing done! Top of the list is "Good for 1 Fr" a children's book about a kid deciding what kind of person he wants to be. And it's pretty darn funny. Also gearing up last pass at Equinox! It's going live in March. THAT'S SO SOON!!!!!! So if you don't hear from me don't be alarmed. I've just been abducted by aliens :)...
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10 Nov

Genuis! (did I spell that write?)

Re-writes are a slow tedious business. Even when inspired it's painstaking. A little finagle in the prologue and all this other stuff has to change. Not like a ripple. Not some lovely pastural lake and shit. No pain in the ass anal-retentive snail paced editing. Each beat each phrase each assumption has to be looked at again. Truths become lies and facts that held a scene together look obvious and gimmicky. Don't get me wrong I love a good gimmick but it shouldn't do the can-can in act 2! "look at me bitches I'm a gimmick!" Please. So I've decided to have a sense of humor about it. Ha ha bloody ha ha. The Achilles...
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7 Feb

Thematic Morning Music

If you were peaking through my windows this morning, I was underwear clad jumping around to this because I solved through a missing piece in a story. Who knew finding things to count would be so hard? And of course, as always, the answer was incredibly obvious. I mean so obvious I'm not going to tell you because you'll thinkest me a stupid of the head. Now back to the drawing pad and make this counting book happen! Literally. I'm drawing it. For real. Don't be scared. Think less Degas and more silly sketches from a creature with no opposable thumbs. And I mean that in the most self-aware-life-affirming way. ...
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