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Category: theatre

David LeBarron / theatre (Page 6)
25 Oct

Celebrating the thin times with a little Goddess art

14681846_10154020561015732_2002886174392029819_nLast night I got the chance to do a few of my favorite things: be on stage, tell a cool story and praise the Goddess! I was asked to do a witchy Halloween piece for Planet Queer. I had done a really cool May Day piece a few years ago with them and said yes. Hmm but what to do? Many ideas ran through my mind’s eye. I remembered a book I worked on a while ago that told the, for lack of argument, Wiccan Sabbats as a long story between She and He. I always liked the Samhain one. I loosely based it on Inanna and others’ descent into the Underworld. In mine, She goes to retrieve Her lover and faces Death to get him back.

I ended up with 2 really cool twists. 1) Having been spending time with Santa Muerte I had to change the nature of Death I had used years ago. So instead of 1 Goddess She meets 3. Coz ya know 3 is cool 🙂 She meets Dead as Atropos. Then She meets Santa Muerte as Holy Death. I really struggled with the third. I finally realized what was needed was fear. So invented a goddess-like construct, a beast, called The Dying. 2) I had to change the ending. Originally Death and She fight and in the end Death stabs Her and it’s all very violent. Yuk. (Which is one reason I never wanted to finish the piece.) I got inspired to tell the story the way I feel it could happen. Instead, I had the Goddesses fight and then forgive. They end up kissing and lie down together and create life out of beauty.

16 Aug

Birthday images

So here's me at Hobbit Restaurant and below is me as a cop model (she fattened me up, swear!). August has proven to be fun (more fun than fucking July) and again I find myself at more crossroads and unsure steps. I love 3 Numbers. I will rewrite but need more time to feel it out, how it can go or where it needs to wander. If you remember that fucking play almost killed me I can't imagine how I'm going to survive the rewrite. When I get dark...
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26 Jan

Small things greatly

I am reminded of Dr. Martin Luther King's words: If you cannot do great things do small things in a great way. It has been in my mediations for a few weeks now. What are great things? What are small things? How do You do them greatly? What kind of person I am might be buried in those answers. Lately, I must confess, I have been a bit jealous and beating myself up a lot. It's been hard to get really writing because some part of me has felt that it is useless. Another script sits on my laptop for what? That is not why I write and I have forgotten it. I write this now to remind myself....
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16 Jun

Casting Comedy Magick

Oh wait what's going on? What's happening? People are laughing? Oh snap! That's right I'm doing a comedy! Seriously this is what went through my head at the last show! It's been a while since I did an out and out comedy. Just on stage being silly. Don't get me wrong there's some sweet moments but yea: funny! We, that means me, are such comedy snobs. Somewhere we got told, and I think before acting class so I can't blame them, that drama is more important or more artistic than comedy. Like somewhere in my brain examining the human condition is more relevant when crying. How stupid is that! This isn't so much a post as much as I...
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