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Category: Stories

David LeBarron / Stories (Page 3)
20 Aug

Summer is dwindling and I am amping

Wow, what a summer! (BTW I am very sure I posted in July but cannot see it or find it. I'll figure it out) work has finally become routine and both of us are really focused on making the machine happen, captain! SO perhaps I can get back to being a fucking artist! HA! As though we are never not all that we are. I have been seeing A LOT of theatre. Cool but A LOT!  Actually, I've been writing a lot too! I finished Monsters! My new solo show. Hence the images above. UHG I loved seeing Angkor Wat exhibit. SO wonderful. So many memories!!!! The serpent is an idea for the Loki monologue. (Rebecca might not come to...
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28 May

Maybe MAY (maybe not?)

FOLLY'S WAR is sooooooo close to being done! The manuscript has been edited a million and one times. I sort of freaked when I realized I had missed that an entire chapter was in the wrong tense!!! Like HOW DID I MISS THAT!!! SO I went back to slow reread. On what is to be the last pass. Took photos for cover. Damn they look good! Here's hoping JP works her magic! Speaking of which Cha and I went to Universal and had a blast!!!!! I have to go and be a kid more. It's like massage, if you wait too long you're like WHy did I wait so long to make myself happy???? I miss being on stage. Not...
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6 Apr

New Normal or fuck it I’m a JEDI

At risk of jinxing my awesome life (I know it's been a while since I said or felt that) things are falling into place nicely. (Sorry I missed Marck. My bad. I really thought I did one. Huh?) Anyway, work is back to having a schedule I love/hate how much I need a schedule. BUT to be honest when I'm busy I am happy. When I am crazy-busy I am scattered. It's been a scattered year. I think I am out of the covid-mourning and deepies. Thank the Lady! And Akbar has become normal, sort of. I have multiple days off!!! RIGHT? I can actually write again! To that end, I am reworking Monsters, my new solo show. It's way...
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15 Feb

Sunrise Sunset Time heals

New site! WOW. Hopefully, it will be easy to use LOL. SO much happened this past change of light. Good things are happening. Apparently, thousands of people have read Jeremiah! or at least checked it out in KDP Library. That's so awesome. I mean I only made a few $$ but, as always, I just like that someone's reading it. I should have higher standards LOL  I finished FOlly's War! It's being copy-edited by Robbie right now. JP isn't well so I don't know how or where I'm going to get the cover art done but we shall see!!! Photoshoots soon! I love this part! I can't quite decide if I am starting Folly's Whim or Jeremiah: Keep on Sluttin'...
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13 Jul

Jeremiah is so available!

Like any good slut Jeremiah is available to be picked up! Ha! Buy yours click HERE! What a ride! It has been so funny and weird, ok and annoying, to do this. I mean I write the thing in moments, proofing and design took longer, and then this whole reopening thing happened.  LOL. So life is back to being artistic and somewhat normal. I will have a longer post soon. I hope. I will!Oh, to read more on this book Click Here!...
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