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Category: monologues

David LeBarron / monologues (Page 2)
6 Apr

New Normal or fuck it I’m a JEDI

At risk of jinxing my awesome life (I know it's been a while since I said or felt that) things are falling into place nicely. (Sorry I missed Marck. My bad. I really thought I did one. Huh?) Anyway, work is back to having a schedule I love/hate how much I need a schedule. BUT to be honest when I'm busy I am happy. When I am crazy-busy I am scattered. It's been a scattered year. I think I am out of the covid-mourning and deepies. Thank the Lady! And Akbar has become normal, sort of. I have multiple days off!!! RIGHT? I can actually write again! To that end, I am reworking Monsters, my new solo show. It's way...
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25 Mar

brand new day

WOW. A lot is happening. I might almost be sane. LOL. NEVER!!!! I finished Jeremiah. I know. I wrote a second novel while taking a break before editing the other one.  Folly's War is pretty awesome but it's also kinda dark and my heart just hasn't been brave enough, recently. So I wrote a funny thing. HA!!!! Jeremiah: Magical Slut of Midgard is hysterical It made me laugh almost every day for the past month. And I really needed that. I'm gonna publish it for kicks. And maybe someone else wants to laugh??? I'll post photos from the shoot with Joshua, soon. Daaaaang he's handsome. I remained a professional!...
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29 Jan

2020 and we’re seriously this time!

I am using this picture form our video for Half Tongue Tribe because I hope it scares the HEL out of any new potential hackers. I will hex you.I try to not hate the internet but man my site was hacked to death! (some of it my fault) and was down for 5 months! SO much has been going on! I'll do a more expansive post BUT for now here's the quicky catch up (before I go to Vegas to watch Super Bowl with Mom)AN ELF TO LIVE FOR- self-published BAM! HALF TONGUE TRIBE debut Album "All Acts of Joy...
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6 Jan

Curiosity and Hecuba Shoehorn

I woke up in the middle of the night a few weeks ago and wrote this. I think it’s super cute. Maybe I’ll get an actress friend to do it as a VO??

Curiosity and Hecuba Shoehorn

Hecuba Shoehorn, my neighbor, is always getting into the worst sort of trouble! I typically don’t bother with her much. Since the incident with the lemon tree we remain friends but not as close. Yet, as I heard her making quite a lot of noise the other evening, as she was carrying things back and forth from her house to the woods, I decided to investigate. Curiosity got the better of me, as it almost never does, and I ventured down the path to the woods. I found her having lit 5 torches in a circle of 3 paces in which were stacked quite a lot of men’s boots. This concerned me. Boot burning is banned, as you know, and with the number of elves present I was too concerned that perhaps some darker mischief was at hand. Though I am not sure it gets much darker than boot burning. Hecuba is always getting into trouble. She is not directly responsible for the 70s gas hike, but is for incorrect milk dates and of course summer being used as a verb.

I cleared my throat to announce myself and Mrs. Shoehorn was delighted for my assistance. I was unaware I had offered assistance. Oh no I thought she’s got me in some muck again! Hecuba was transferring these some 22 boots to a friend of her in France. “Why dear?” I asked. “Well” she replied, “I need some of that.. that..that…”

12 Aug

Ok Autumn: Let’s do this!

Here's me being pensive at a street festival. I have no memory of this being taken :) This post completely recants everything from the last post. Fringe totally destroyed me for a few weeks. I didn't even realize how exhausted I was. But I wasn't writing very much so I knew something was up. I got my post-birthday head on and an ready for fall. I am traveling A LOT! Which is cool but I'm so binge and purge I sort of wish these 5 trips had happened over the course of the year and not in 4 months! BUT that is not to say I'm not doing any of them. :) I'll be in Big Bear next week for...
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