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Category: writing thoughts

David LeBarron / writing thoughts (Page 7)
22 Dec

too too, revisited

Aren’t these banners for The Sex Life of Achilles AMAZING? Rebecca Graul really out did herself. The show is lovely. I am thrilled. It’s visually stunning and the new Thetis arc is clear and, can I use lovely again? It’s lovely! I think Maui Fringe is going to be a blast. We’re all paid for and almost ready for our preview on Jan 9th! We’re even joking about where to take it next. Speaking of which i think I’m not doing Brighton. I think that 2k could be better served doing the show in USA and getting better reviews or the like. Started working on Faery Night again for fun. I changed it to them being older. I grow so sick of all romance novels being about ripped 22 year olds or coming of age/out teens.

25 Sep

Getting to know you….

The naming of cats is a… Oh god I quoted Cats! But in truth I never really know a character until I name them. I have been playing with Zucchini for a year or two and just started really getting to know who these people are/were/will be. It’s weird though, with so many characters naming is maybe easier? I have NO idea what will happen with this script BUT it and Mythic are vying for room in my brain. Since mythic is well.. mythic and epic I thought getting Zucchini out of the way would be easier. HA! on me!!! ALSO applying for festivals is boring and annoying. ALSO we all really want to do Achilles again! That would be so cool! Also also, I need to make a submission timeline for Third! I guess life is good just the same.

6 Feb

Ok that sucked

So last Saturday 28th sucked beyond the telling and yet here I am telling it. It was probably the scariest night of my life in a looooong time! It ended up only (only?) being a viral infection but trust when i say I thought I was dying. Chris thought I was dying. The entire ER crew thought I was dying. I collapsed after a nap, who does that? with intense vertigo and nausea and grossness. Oddly, I have been working with Marc on Mo-mo and we’ve been talking about facing with your own mortality.

19 Jan

The Center of me

So at this class at Greenman we talked about "what's the center of your universe?" In this case it had to do with magick and spell-crafting, (ok let it go, it's cool if you think this stuff is nuts because it is, stay on subject), the instructor was basically saying it's hard to do a money spell when $$ isn't the center of your universe. Single-minded intent. If family or love is the center of your universe it's hard to make cash your most important intent. OK what does this have to do with art? Dude, what's at the center of my universe? Last night, in the above photo, I helped coordinate a poster painting party for anti-orange guy and...
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3 Jan

Mass Matters

Ok I don’t usually post about how stoopid I am but I’d like to remember this moment should I ever finish this cool idea I have. I was writing a short story, might continue, about a few characters being tortured by monsters. They discover that the only reason for their torment is to create pain which is needed to fuel a spell to locate a magickal tool. Cool huh? Ok I guess I’ll finish it. BUT I had this cool idea to have them pray. Which became a whole story about a war and evil sorcerer all told through prayer. Book of Prayers was born. I love writing prayers. I love creating deities, forces and primal energies and setting them in the hands of villagers. ANYWAY to do all of this I have to, of course, know where the story takes place. Like where the fuck are they? So I start creating a continent or island on which they can roam and battle. When suddenly (ha ha ha) I realize I have no concept of space.

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