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Category: storytelling

David LeBarron / storytelling (Page 8)
22 Nov

Whine instead of wine for once

I am going to try and be empowered about this… I am going to try to see silver linings and not get angry and defeated BUT DAMN my site went down again! HACKED! All of them! Which means I lost a few entries here because yes even the backups went down. And I have some idea about what I wrote but not enough to repeat them.. Do people keep logs of all their posts? That seems counter-intuitive??? If this keep happening do I just stop or is there some magical way to keep everything. At first they told me I lost all of it! ALL OF IT! Imagine a decade of posting gone!!! SO yes, I suppose it could be much worse but fuck that! It still sux AND I lost all of Bard of Yore. And to b honest I don’t remember everything i did! I remember struggling with the design.I remember sort of writing cute things about cheese. I remember a relief when it was done enough for me to focus on the cheese and not the site! Hours of work. I opened my computer just now at Kaldi and wanted to cry in public.

18 May

Brace for reviews!

See what I did there with brace-lets???? I am so Wonder Woman! I am currently spinning! And not to transform into a powerful Amazon, because let’s face it I already am one! No I’m spinning and leaping and smiling from two great reviews! I know. I know. One should not need outside or critic/s praise to validate them artistically! BUT still, a nice review is a great feeling. AND I do need pulls for when I take this show on even more roads! The two so far came from the Orlando Weekly an the Orlando Sentinel

”an energetic and entertaining piece of theater whose greatest achievement might be shedding light on an unsung part of history without feeling like a lecture. You’ll laugh throughout but a little while afterward, you might find yourself contemplating how marginalized groups are left out of the “official” historical record. And you’ll certainly tip the next time you’re at a drag show.”

“Fabulously Fierce. Mo-mo is an enlightening and entertaining introduction to a topic deserving of more attention”

23 Apr

Opus epic long-ass stories!

Maybe it's because I'm so tall? And dramatic (see photo). I'm always wondering why I write such long pieces. I wow'd myself earlier this year when I finally finished No Room For Shakespeare and it ran 45 minutes! I was like I DID IT!!!! But that play is like a little aria, a ditty, a moment, or 45 moments, the length IS the play ya know? History of Drag simply needs to be 90 minutes. And I love it. Tried to change it. Didn't work. Oh well. Still love it.BUT it seems the next piece/s I'm being called to do are both LOOOONNGG ass pieces as well. One Zucchini I have just outlined, It's sort of spastic and wonderful....
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31 Aug

Paris takes and gives and does not……

It's the last chance for me to post in August but I am without words. So much did and did not happen in Europe. I am still processing. Like going through an old journal that you finished a week ago and look at and say oh right: that. Then. Who? I did some great things. This pic is of me at Gallerie Gallery with Juwellia (sp?) and Jose Promis! I got to sing in a German cabaret! I wasn't very good but I did it. I spent the turn to 50 at Musee d Orsay. Like I wanted to be: surrounded by beautiful things. Seeing the haystacks made me cry. I remember seeing them a a youngin'...
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