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7 Apr

2020 awe come on man……

Ok March happened. I am using this nice pic from my trip to Puerto Vallarta because it reminds me how blessed I am. Lots happened in all this Covid-craziness. Let’s see: Our album came out All Acts of Joy… and we got an awesome review in paganpages; we filmed Henri Rousseau for NPR Tiny Desk, and of course actual video for song; wrote NONE of Folly-ok as of April I have done more;  recommitted to guitar and maybe piano because of isolating boredom;  got all ducks in order for property but of course everything is now closed; finished my reel and temp-headshots but yea on pause; OK OK this is supposed to be a reminder of how blessed I am to have my health and enough $$ to survive this thing and lovely fam and friends!!!! Grumpy bitch! HA Ha  Oh and I learnt how to make mayo! See below! For Akbar gofundme I also made some videos of bartending. That was cool. Also working on new poetry/lyrics. I did Bone Woman and Hail Hera! I miss friends, hugs, sex, yoga, drinking-not-alone/ sitting at restaurants BUT all that will come back and maybe, just maybe, I’ll appreciate it even more when I get to do all those things.








On a side note: 2019 was one of the worst years in my adult life. Like I literally’ think I was gonna make it there for  a second. I did. So as hard as 2020 is right now, this too shall pass and you’ll get to use all that hard work in plowing forward and you’re not anywhere near the mess you were last year at this time. So there’s that. Love you Love me Love love!

David LeBarron
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