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Author: David LeBarron

David LeBarron / Articles posted by David LeBarron (Page 3)
26 Mar

Couldn’t find Daffodils

      I haven't been writing art per se but still got the old brain around some new ideas. I think Folly's is out of reach because this section is just so friggin sad! Like, I don't want anything sad right now. Not sure I got that yet. Long ass year, my friend. Tired. Need a comedy..maybe a lark?Been using my dream-poem again. Looong time since I had to rely on it. So weird.  I came up with it when I was younger to help with night mares and terrors. My anxiety went thru the roof this winter and I started having them again. Which was SO weird! and so I had to do the mediation. Thank The Lady I have it...
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31 Aug

I’m like a lawyer and stuff

WHAT A FRIGGIN MONTH!!!!! Wow the work is real. I am exhausted. It's been like doing 3 features and a podcast. I swear I surely have my law degree after the amount of googling learning rewriting absorbing memorizing calling asking begging thinking the stress is a lot. BUT we fcking did it and I am now co-owner of AKBAR!!!!! Holy shit just writing that sent shivers. LOL I haven't written an artistic word in months and had it not been for my play, which won an award, I'd have forgotten I am an artist and not a M&A-Man! (that's mergers and acquisitions for my artsy friends) My Birthday party was off all the hooks. Complete fun! I made Rebecca cry...
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2 Aug

This is July’s POST DAMMIT!

I thought after Fringe and Pride month July would be all mellow and chill. HA!!! Nope. So, although it is technically August, I started this post on the 31st and it crashed! Not fair!!! Lol Ok Start with all the good: Fringe was awesome. I won an award. Got an extension. I love this show. And, although I really need a break, I cannot wait to do it again! SF Fringe? NYC Fringe? Orlando??  New book is out! It took far too long to get the cover art but I think it’s worth it. I decided not to push it until I am almost done with Book 2! I think that’s smart? Maybe? We’ll see. It might get e off my ass to finish the second book!!! Just not enough time in the days? I’ll figure it out (Always do), ya know! The bar is a thing and I love it! I just gotta get some balance and not like BALANCE just daily balance? Have some ideas. We shall see. Maybe I can teach myself to write at night like I used to?? I just got so: I wake I write! Now: I wake I count $$ or I wake I gym, therefore I am! 

25 May

Learning lines.. is awesome!

Welcome back to the theatre David LeBarron David LeBarron!  Wow, it's good to be back! I know I've done projects since, BUT 2019 is the last time I was actually on stage doing it for full-out realsy! Small projects and storytelling gigs are great but a full show? Even a 50 minute one? Is so much more! I can't belive I open in less than 2 weeks! The other morning 5am in LAs Vegas I totally had an actor's nightmare! LOL!!! I woke up thinking I know none of my lines!! SO I lied there and went through the script, a sort of mental stumble through, and I had it! Yeah I  messed up the order and at one point...
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