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Category: writing thoughts

David LeBarron / writing thoughts (Page 4)
25 Jun

Midsummer Madness

WOW I haven't posted in 3 months!! What the heck! I have been so busy I don't even want to write it down. Putting a bar back together after a pandemic is no joke. I have NEVER worked this many hours every day in a row. Even tech week is easier. Production is WAY easier. Everything hurts. But it's been worth it to see all the smiles and delights it brings. Also, it being me, I don't do half-assed so we're bringing the bar into the current century and doing things the right way. Like schedules and being online and all that stuff....
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20 Feb

Dreaming of a dry-eyed day

Been actively trying to cheer up, yea, it's not working. LOL BUT I  don't think it's getting worse. Wow OK this wasn't supposed to be a cry for help. It's just all so much. I wish I could go away for a week and think. What' this weird thing you call process? How dare you, Sir! Ok Let's talk about the good shit. I finished FOlly's War! I know, right? Fucking finally. Of course, now I have to edit, proofread, hate it and rewrite and love it....
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30 Apr

New Story Olde Story All Story

So I FINALLY made my rune set! In typical me fashion, I tried for years to learn them and even though they certainly resonated with me…just didn’t click. About  a year ago I sat down and worked real hard. I sort of made a story out of them. This of course helped me intensely. Not hat I’d read linearly But it made sense to how I see the world, through story through drama. Remember that story of the year I was working on a while back? Well the runes fit in perfectly with it. Like astonishingly perfect. WOW! What a kicker. How this manifests into a play is still not completely clear. Also I might be censoring myself because it always felt like a comedy and now it isn’t…which pisses me off.

7 Apr

2020 awe come on man……

Ok March happened. I am using this nice pic from my trip to Puerto Vallarta because it reminds me how blessed I am. Lots happened in all this Covid-craziness. Let’s see: Our album came out All Acts of Joy… and we got an awesome review in paganpages; we filmed Henri Rousseau for NPR Tiny Desk, and of course actual video for song; wrote NONE of Folly-ok as of April I have done more;  recommitted to guitar and maybe piano because of isolating boredom;  got all ducks in order for property but of course everything is now closed; finished my reel and temp-headshots but yea on pause; OK OK this is supposed to be a reminder of how blessed I am to have my health and enough $$ to survive this thing and lovely fam and friends!!!!

22 Nov

Whine instead of wine for once

I am going to try and be empowered about this… I am going to try to see silver linings and not get angry and defeated BUT DAMN my site went down again! HACKED! All of them! Which means I lost a few entries here because yes even the backups went down. And I have some idea about what I wrote but not enough to repeat them.. Do people keep logs of all their posts? That seems counter-intuitive??? If this keep happening do I just stop or is there some magical way to keep everything. At first they told me I lost all of it! ALL OF IT! Imagine a decade of posting gone!!! SO yes, I suppose it could be much worse but fuck that! It still sux AND I lost all of Bard of Yore. And to b honest I don’t remember everything i did! I remember struggling with the design.I remember sort of writing cute things about cheese. I remember a relief when it was done enough for me to focus on the cheese and not the site! Hours of work. I opened my computer just now at Kaldi and wanted to cry in public.

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