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Category: storytelling

David LeBarron / storytelling (Page 10)
24 Oct

I love Halloween! (duh)

I made an awesome outfit for the black hat march in Thompkins Square! (above not it) So excited. Much is good right now! Maui Fringe accepted and sent promo? Check! Brighton applied? Check-ish! Dublin applied? Check! Palm Springs? Check! But first I have to get thru, I mean LOVE, Kageno and make some money for them! Then Perform "Sun in Her Belly" for Plant Queer! My poor friends are going to disown me! Video coming!!! I will be spending so much $$ in the next 4 months I cringe when I think about it! But it's all good right? I mean what's the point of making all this art if no one sees it? yay. ...
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19 Jan

The Center of me

So at this class at Greenman we talked about "what's the center of your universe?" In this case it had to do with magick and spell-crafting, (ok let it go, it's cool if you think this stuff is nuts because it is, stay on subject), the instructor was basically saying it's hard to do a money spell when $$ isn't the center of your universe. Single-minded intent. If family or love is the center of your universe it's hard to make cash your most important intent. OK what does this have to do with art? Dude, what's at the center of my universe? Last night, in the above photo, I helped coordinate a poster painting party for anti-orange guy and...
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6 Jan

Curiosity and Hecuba Shoehorn

I woke up in the middle of the night a few weeks ago and wrote this. I think it’s super cute. Maybe I’ll get an actress friend to do it as a VO??

Curiosity and Hecuba Shoehorn

Hecuba Shoehorn, my neighbor, is always getting into the worst sort of trouble! I typically don’t bother with her much. Since the incident with the lemon tree we remain friends but not as close. Yet, as I heard her making quite a lot of noise the other evening, as she was carrying things back and forth from her house to the woods, I decided to investigate. Curiosity got the better of me, as it almost never does, and I ventured down the path to the woods. I found her having lit 5 torches in a circle of 3 paces in which were stacked quite a lot of men’s boots. This concerned me. Boot burning is banned, as you know, and with the number of elves present I was too concerned that perhaps some darker mischief was at hand. Though I am not sure it gets much darker than boot burning. Hecuba is always getting into trouble. She is not directly responsible for the 70s gas hike, but is for incorrect milk dates and of course summer being used as a verb.

I cleared my throat to announce myself and Mrs. Shoehorn was delighted for my assistance. I was unaware I had offered assistance. Oh no I thought she’s got me in some muck again! Hecuba was transferring these some 22 boots to a friend of her in France. “Why dear?” I asked. “Well” she replied, “I need some of that.. that..that…”

3 Jan

Mass Matters

Ok I don’t usually post about how stoopid I am but I’d like to remember this moment should I ever finish this cool idea I have. I was writing a short story, might continue, about a few characters being tortured by monsters. They discover that the only reason for their torment is to create pain which is needed to fuel a spell to locate a magickal tool. Cool huh? Ok I guess I’ll finish it. BUT I had this cool idea to have them pray. Which became a whole story about a war and evil sorcerer all told through prayer. Book of Prayers was born. I love writing prayers. I love creating deities, forces and primal energies and setting them in the hands of villagers. ANYWAY to do all of this I have to, of course, know where the story takes place. Like where the fuck are they? So I start creating a continent or island on which they can roam and battle. When suddenly (ha ha ha) I realize I have no concept of space.

13 Dec

What is in a title?

Sometimes the title of something is super clear and duh like The Sex Life of Achilles. Other times I struggle forever or, even worse, I never find it and come up with something that works..or at least doesn't suck. Other times, ok I'll admit it, I am the only one who likes a title and everyone else is like CHANGE IT and I'm like NO! Cause although I take a lot of pride in my taking notes abilities sometimes I don't agree. I guess that's the upside of being a poor artist??? Ha! Anyway I LOVED the title 3 Numbers in the middle of Nowhere. But to be fair that was the title of a short film I was working...
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