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David LeBarron / Stories (Page 5)
25 Oct

Celebrating the thin times with a little Goddess art

14681846_10154020561015732_2002886174392029819_nLast night I got the chance to do a few of my favorite things: be on stage, tell a cool story and praise the Goddess! I was asked to do a witchy Halloween piece for Planet Queer. I had done a really cool May Day piece a few years ago with them and said yes. Hmm but what to do? Many ideas ran through my mind’s eye. I remembered a book I worked on a while ago that told the, for lack of argument, Wiccan Sabbats as a long story between She and He. I always liked the Samhain one. I loosely based it on Inanna and others’ descent into the Underworld. In mine, She goes to retrieve Her lover and faces Death to get him back.

I ended up with 2 really cool twists. 1) Having been spending time with Santa Muerte I had to change the nature of Death I had used years ago. So instead of 1 Goddess She meets 3. Coz ya know 3 is cool 🙂 She meets Dead as Atropos. Then She meets Santa Muerte as Holy Death. I really struggled with the third. I finally realized what was needed was fear. So invented a goddess-like construct, a beast, called The Dying. 2) I had to change the ending. Originally Death and She fight and in the end Death stabs Her and it’s all very violent. Yuk. (Which is one reason I never wanted to finish the piece.) I got inspired to tell the story the way I feel it could happen. Instead, I had the Goddesses fight and then forgive. They end up kissing and lie down together and create life out of beauty.

27 Jul


It was a ridiculous time. Life was unkind. It’s a period of your life when you explicitly remember certain details but so much is a blur of the person you became. The details still haunt me. I was poor as a church mouse’s pagan nephew. I tried really hard to be grateful for my crappy job as security at minimum wage but it was, as I said, crappy. I was afraid. I was weak. I knew 2 people in all of Los Angeles. Oh yea, and every morning I woke shaking from drug withdrawals. It was that, ok I’m gonna say it, Karen Carpenter time when I had stopped the destructive behavior but my poor skinny body and broken spirit might not be strong enough to make it through the next day.

2 Oct

Stories in the air

These are some pics of me performing at the Adonis Project! It was a very very HOT night and I mean that in every sense of the word! We melted and we were super sexy! And YES that red pic is of me sitting naked on stage. It was a first for me. It was really freeing and kind of beautiful. (Of course I was followed by a really naked guy who is extremely fit so there was a moment of body weirdness BUT just a moment.:) I spoke of Adonis, the God, and his death and renewal and my almost death and renewal in a club in the 90's. I never thought I'd tell that story to anyone...
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18 Dec

Fun with Ancient Warriors!


So I did these shots as a camera test for my new stories for Wicca Please Coriander series. I want to have an image header with each chapter. FUN!   The stories take place 4,000 years ago when Corey was a young man learning magick. I have 3 stories outlined. We shall see how they turn out! It’s so much fun to write! I can go on and on about the amount of research these tales took. I won’t. It was fun too but kind of frustrating. I mean I set the story pre-history so who knows what really existed. Well that’s not true. Smart people probably have a good idea of what life was like…sort of. Or so they say. I read a lot and then just created my own, slightly-based on reality, world where new characters live and love. Oh and of course they do cool magick stuff. It’s been very expanding imagination-ally speaking 🙂  2 more image after!

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