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David LeBarron / Stories (Page 2)
2 Aug

This is July’s POST DAMMIT!

I thought after Fringe and Pride month July would be all mellow and chill. HA!!! Nope. So, although it is technically August, I started this post on the 31st and it crashed! Not fair!!! Lol Ok Start with all the good: Fringe was awesome. I won an award. Got an extension. I love this show. And, although I really need a break, I cannot wait to do it again! SF Fringe? NYC Fringe? Orlando??  New book is out! It took far too long to get the cover art but I think it’s worth it. I decided not to push it until I am almost done with Book 2! I think that’s smart? Maybe? We’ll see. It might get e off my ass to finish the second book!!! Just not enough time in the days? I’ll figure it out (Always do), ya know! The bar is a thing and I love it! I just gotta get some balance and not like BALANCE just daily balance? Have some ideas. We shall see. Maybe I can teach myself to write at night like I used to?? I just got so: I wake I write! Now: I wake I count $$ or I wake I gym, therefore I am! 

14 Nov

Brewing post-Halloween

Witches Cackle Here! Once again performing at Club Witch for Haloween WAS AMAZING!!!! You stand there and a few hundred kids are just screaming with you! So empowering. Can't wait to write the one for next year!!! Speaking of witchy powerfulness: Dan Shanna and I have created Witch Club! We get together once a month and practice the arts! Or at least do exercises of the arts. Visualizations. Prayer. Focus. Intentions. It's been good for me. AND I'm not running it so I don't feel overwhelmed. We each do 20 minutes. So it's cool. It's helping me clear away art time too. I have been overwhelmed at work occasionally but now I am taking better reigns and carving out me...
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20 Aug

Summer is dwindling and I am amping

Wow, what a summer! (BTW I am very sure I posted in July but cannot see it or find it. I'll figure it out) work has finally become routine and both of us are really focused on making the machine happen, captain! SO perhaps I can get back to being a fucking artist! HA! As though we are never not all that we are. I have been seeing A LOT of theatre. Cool but A LOT!  Actually, I've been writing a lot too! I finished Monsters! My new solo show. Hence the images above. UHG I loved seeing Angkor Wat exhibit. SO wonderful. So many memories!!!! The serpent is an idea for the Loki monologue. (Rebecca might not come to...
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