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Author: David LeBarron

David LeBarron / Articles posted by David LeBarron (Page 28)
30 Dec

Happy New Year!!!!

Ahh I love turns of the wheel! It makes you think about all the amazing things you've accomplished and new adventures awaiting! Wicca Please is in full pre-pro mode, so, ouch, I'm already exhausted :) And yes, I will be self-publishing a new work this year. I'm just not totally sure which one I'm going to do. I'm heavily leaning towards "Good for 1 Fr" which is about a boy who one day dares to dream. But man it's sort of a bummer opening. We'll see. There's always Baby Brow which makes me smile. I think almost all my stories make me smile...
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12 Dec

No please not another project David!

Yes. Should I apologize? Me thinkest not! I've been terribly busy organizing Wicca, please. We're shooting in January. Oh boy that is soooooon! Got most of the cast and some directors lined up. I think it's gunna be superlatively awesome! BUT new project on the horizon: Blood Wedding. Yes I am re-writing Lorca's genius play as a contemporary bi-lingual novella. How dare I? Indeed! But hopefully the master has a sense of humor because if this turns out even half as funny as it is in my head (and outline) audiences will line up around the block or at least through the basement of the Mexican Restaurant I hope to play at this spring! Wish me luck and...
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