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December 2013

18 Dec

Fun with Ancient Warriors!


So I did these shots as a camera test for my new stories for Wicca Please Coriander series. I want to have an image header with each chapter. FUN!   The stories take place 4,000 years ago when Corey was a young man learning magick. I have 3 stories outlined. We shall see how they turn out! It’s so much fun to write! I can go on and on about the amount of research these tales took. I won’t. It was fun too but kind of frustrating. I mean I set the story pre-history so who knows what really existed. Well that’s not true. Smart people probably have a good idea of what life was like…sort of. Or so they say. I read a lot and then just created my own, slightly-based on reality, world where new characters live and love. Oh and of course they do cool magick stuff. It’s been very expanding imagination-ally speaking 🙂  2 more image after!

27 Nov

next year is already full :)

WOW! Did October even happen? I got real busy real fast! Here's a pic form me at Kageno's Harambee. I'm saying thank you, and please give some cash, since they named me volunteer of the decade! No tiara or sash but still a very nice moment. That's George Kotsiopoulos in stage with me. I totally butchered his name, even after practicing it like a zillion times.  Still a nice night.I've changed Wicca Please  a bit. I've gone back to Cory's roots 4,000 years ago and have created a world where he learns magick. I call it the Coriander series. I think it's all age appropriate...
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2 Oct

Ahh makeup :)

I think I was born a sort of drag queen. Not trans really but more old school drag queen. When I was kid all  ever wanted was a disguise kit. I wanted to pretend to be other people from other places. I imagined I could pretend to be an old person, all crooked and wrinkled, and get senior rates at R movies!  I could look like a solider or business mans or wonder woman!In the 90's I did enough drag to earn the right to never wear heels again. But I've always  had a penchant for painting face. That and excess amounts of glitter.  Lately I've been telling some "Ancient Wisdom" tales. The kind that start with "Long ago when...
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19 Sep

“Been busy,” says the bad boy!

I’ve been a bad boy. And yet, like most bad boys I cry, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT.” But it is. I have been so busy I have not updated my blog in forever! Which is a shame because I love going back over my blog and remembering all the things and processes and ideas that shaped the years past.  Instead of apologizing let me update:EQUINOX is very live. I just released page 24! Check it out. I LOVE it! (I got thrown a loop when my letterer had a kid and oddly couldn’t finish the project J I had to re-hire someone with time on their hands and not an infant. I have a new guy: Keith who is great!)WICCA...
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