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26 Apr

Fringing Again and its GOOD!

WOW! Hollywood Fringe Festival 2023 here we come!

It’s been YEEEEEEARS since I was in the rehearsal process. What am I doing again? Which way is downstage?? Ha! Kidding. Shanna and I are having a blast! Blast is actually the perfect word! Blast of creativity and ideas and challenges!  We’re pretty done with all the technical stuff, which has not been easy but been full of learning and relearning. Like how do I edit again? Now we’re down to the book. Down to the dirty. Down to the get down. We open June 6th! Goddess bless this mess of a mind She gave me!! BUY TICKETS HERE!

In other news, Little Miss Fetus, also directed by Ms. Beauchamp if you’re nasty, is being submitted all over the place! Actually not to online festivals and mostly only to places I want to go… ha ha ha  I really hope we get into some cool festivals!  That would be such fun! Still haven’t received cover art for Folly…. that’s been frustrating.  I think it’s why I haven’t been really working on the sequel???? I’ll make it a priority after we open! Also also as we know I’ve been busy with other new financial developments and deals. YIKES!!!! It’s all happening! Hold on to an awesome next 6 months! I’d say shit is going to get real but it’s already so real it’s occasionally hard to breathe/calm down. Let’s paraphrase: buckle up! It’s going to be a fabulously bumpy ride!!


David LeBarron
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