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Category: storytelling

David LeBarron / storytelling (Page 13)
4 Sep

LeBarron Brunches Ignores Phone

David LeBarron, an obviously awful person, was seen at the upscale nook Mustard Seed Cafe in the trendy neighborhood of Los Feliz. He was having brunch and didn’t check his cell phone once. He didn’t even glance at it. Mr. LeBarron, an inscrutable insurrectionist, smugly stated that he frequently ignores his phone while eating and sometimes goes to the extreme of turning off the life-saving-affirming device during repast. The cafe community is rocked by this event and the world, unsurprisingly, is shocked.The waiter involved in the incident was confounded. “Bro! It was one thing to order French toast without sugar but then to obviously leave your cellie sitting there like debris. It broke my heart. He didn’t check his texts....
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12 Aug

Ok Autumn: Let’s do this!

Here's me being pensive at a street festival. I have no memory of this being taken :) This post completely recants everything from the last post. Fringe totally destroyed me for a few weeks. I didn't even realize how exhausted I was. But I wasn't writing very much so I knew something was up. I got my post-birthday head on and an ready for fall. I am traveling A LOT! Which is cool but I'm so binge and purge I sort of wish these 5 trips had happened over the course of the year and not in 4 months! BUT that is not to say I'm not doing any of them. :) I'll be in Big Bear next week for...
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23 May


Askooky LIVES! This was our first live appearance at Planet Queer. SO much fun! Everyone GASPED when we came out! It was just a little cameo, nothing major, but so sweet to hear that reaction when we worked so hard on this show! Dan is awesome to work with!!!! I think I can finally do the show without dying from exhaustion!  It's been hard but fun. It's crunch time so I have to stop complaining and worrying and just do it!First Elders is going well it's in that weird half blocked no one knows their lines stage...
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18 Dec

Fun with Ancient Warriors!


So I did these shots as a camera test for my new stories for Wicca Please Coriander series. I want to have an image header with each chapter. FUN!   The stories take place 4,000 years ago when Corey was a young man learning magick. I have 3 stories outlined. We shall see how they turn out! It’s so much fun to write! I can go on and on about the amount of research these tales took. I won’t. It was fun too but kind of frustrating. I mean I set the story pre-history so who knows what really existed. Well that’s not true. Smart people probably have a good idea of what life was like…sort of. Or so they say. I read a lot and then just created my own, slightly-based on reality, world where new characters live and love. Oh and of course they do cool magick stuff. It’s been very expanding imagination-ally speaking 🙂  2 more image after!

2 Oct

Ahh makeup :)

I think I was born a sort of drag queen. Not trans really but more old school drag queen. When I was kid all  ever wanted was a disguise kit. I wanted to pretend to be other people from other places. I imagined I could pretend to be an old person, all crooked and wrinkled, and get senior rates at R movies!  I could look like a solider or business mans or wonder woman!In the 90's I did enough drag to earn the right to never wear heels again. But I've always  had a penchant for painting face. That and excess amounts of glitter.  Lately I've been telling some "Ancient Wisdom" tales. The kind that start with "Long ago when...
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