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19 Sep

“Been busy,” says the bad boy!


I’ve been a bad boy. And yet, like most bad boys I cry, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT.” But it is. I have been so busy I have not updated my blog in forever! Which is a shame because I love going back over my blog and remembering all the things and processes and ideas that shaped the years past.  Instead of apologizing let me update:

EQUINOX is very live. I just released page 24! Check it out. I LOVE it! (I got thrown a loop when my letterer had a kid and oddly couldn’t finish the project J I had to re-hire someone with time on their hands and not an infant. I have a new guy: Keith who is great!)

WICCA PLEASE is on its fourth story. Kind of an amazing accomplishment. But I said I’d do it for 2 years and I will! (Even if it means having less time to update here.)

WHEN CARROTS RULED THE WORLD is still selling (Albeit slowly)

New stuff:

FIRST EDLERS is a play about bridging gaps in the gay community. It’s sort of artsy play wherein 6 older men talk to a lost gay guy. Everyone thinks the lost dude should be a twink. But I disagree. Twinks don’t need elders. They’re too busy being fabulous. Too busy writing/living their own stories. It’s when the rush stops, around 30, when you turn around and need something more. Something meaningful. I’m sure there are a bunch of 20’s getting angry at me right now. But I see it all the time. There’s a break somewhere between 20 and 30 when a person won’t listen to any advice and has things to prove and knows it all. And that’s how it should be!

COME AND PLAY FARIES is my new solo-show. It’s play for children about taking care of the environment and the word (or lese the faeries are going to leave!) It’s a tad didactic but I hope in rehearsals it’ll just end up being fun. There are lots of masks and dance and silliness!

I’ve also had  bunch of storytelling gigs. Too many to list but it’s been great getting so much stage time. OH and I started taking Flow-Fire Dance. Oh my 🙂

OK that’s your update. I’ll be sooner posting the next. I sort of promise…..

David LeBarron
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