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Category: writing thoughts

David LeBarron / writing thoughts (Page 9)
31 Aug

Sweet Summer Endings

SO summer happened. My Birthday party was fun. I crashed (as usual) from Fringe Fest. Rewrote Nerd Anarchy. Wow that was hard. I had to download a work flow chart program to keep track of the changes and new endings!! Everyone seems to really like the new version! Now to research where and when to do it again!!! Muahh hahha! I finished Mourning at Magoge. I think it's pretty cool. Yes it will be my next ebook! Of course I don't really know what to do with the first one, but maybe having two I can push them harder. I haven't yet truly found their audience. I also vacillate on the homo thing. SO I have decide the next...
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16 Mar

Alas I wait…

So here I am waiting for auditions to start. Fingers crossed. Please Muses be kind and bring me the perfect Sue/Becky/Ralph actress who is funny and can sing! It's interesting how technology has changed the entire audition process. I mean in ye olden days, we'd have a cattle call or at least call in as may actors as possible based on an air brushed 8x10 and spend the first day or two typing out. NOW that entire process is done in office with reels, demos and multiple pics. It saves everyone's time. So you have to see less people and actually SEE them SEE what they got! I'm also waiting for the final approval of my new ebook Coriander:Orders...
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18 Nov

Paper Cut Tragedy Rocks Hollywood

Yes I was fierce (as if you’d doubt it). Yes I spun like diva (again). And Yes my tribute to Lynda Carter/Wonder Woman was awesome, amazing and inspired (not my words). AND YES my career is at a new high (my words). BUT you probably didn’t know how very much I suffer to bring you joy and enlightenment (I do. I really do.). To prove the point please witness exhibit A of my forehead deformation (ow). Last night in the fury to get ready (leave the tech booth and run upstairs to change and mentally prepare for perfection) my costume cut my face (previously flawless). IT CUT ME! It tried to bring me down! It tried to render me asunder...
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4 Sep

LeBarron Brunches Ignores Phone

David LeBarron, an obviously awful person, was seen at the upscale nook Mustard Seed Cafe in the trendy neighborhood of Los Feliz. He was having brunch and didn’t check his cell phone once. He didn’t even glance at it. Mr. LeBarron, an inscrutable insurrectionist, smugly stated that he frequently ignores his phone while eating and sometimes goes to the extreme of turning off the life-saving-affirming device during repast. The cafe community is rocked by this event and the world, unsurprisingly, is shocked.The waiter involved in the incident was confounded. “Bro! It was one thing to order French toast without sugar but then to obviously leave your cellie sitting there like debris. It broke my heart. He didn’t check his texts....
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14 Jul

Post Fringe Blues….

....should be longer!  Ok I'll be honest: I got reaaaallll sad for a day or two. I have given myself all of July to be tired and process the two original shows, music festival and extra work load of the first half of this year. but I'm kind of done. Got a lot of new ideas and plans and don't think I can stop myself from writing for another two weeks. My new Coriander Scroll Coriander: Orders of Blood is live today and it's AWESOME!!!  I am so pleased. I shot Ruben Trevino (Coriander) a few weeks ago and next week shoot the Warrior! I have the next two stories sort of outlined.  One MIGHT be a solo story for Vushi....
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