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Category: storytelling

David LeBarron / storytelling (Page 11)
13 Dec

What is in a title?

Sometimes the title of something is super clear and duh like The Sex Life of Achilles. Other times I struggle forever or, even worse, I never find it and come up with something that works..or at least doesn't suck. Other times, ok I'll admit it, I am the only one who likes a title and everyone else is like CHANGE IT and I'm like NO! Cause although I take a lot of pride in my taking notes abilities sometimes I don't agree. I guess that's the upside of being a poor artist??? Ha! Anyway I LOVED the title 3 Numbers in the middle of Nowhere. But to be fair that was the title of a short film I was working...
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30 Nov

A dancer..fakes it

Last night Shanna and I choreo'd the Evolution of a Queen part of Mo-mo. Fun was had! I was sort of down on myself for all I couldn't do. Ya know: how come I can't releve? How come my leg only goes that high? How come I have zero core? Shanna said, "stop trying to do tricks! Let's start at the beginning and tell the story." Thank Gods! I am smart enough to work with awesome people! It's almost 2017, Dave when are you going to stop beating yourself up and enjoy all you have! (And not when in a hippie frame of mind but day to day and art to art!) Grateful for Shanna! Grateful for awesome play! Grateful...
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25 Oct

Celebrating the thin times with a little Goddess art

14681846_10154020561015732_2002886174392029819_nLast night I got the chance to do a few of my favorite things: be on stage, tell a cool story and praise the Goddess! I was asked to do a witchy Halloween piece for Planet Queer. I had done a really cool May Day piece a few years ago with them and said yes. Hmm but what to do? Many ideas ran through my mind’s eye. I remembered a book I worked on a while ago that told the, for lack of argument, Wiccan Sabbats as a long story between She and He. I always liked the Samhain one. I loosely based it on Inanna and others’ descent into the Underworld. In mine, She goes to retrieve Her lover and faces Death to get him back.

I ended up with 2 really cool twists. 1) Having been spending time with Santa Muerte I had to change the nature of Death I had used years ago. So instead of 1 Goddess She meets 3. Coz ya know 3 is cool 🙂 She meets Dead as Atropos. Then She meets Santa Muerte as Holy Death. I really struggled with the third. I finally realized what was needed was fear. So invented a goddess-like construct, a beast, called The Dying. 2) I had to change the ending. Originally Death and She fight and in the end Death stabs Her and it’s all very violent. Yuk. (Which is one reason I never wanted to finish the piece.) I got inspired to tell the story the way I feel it could happen. Instead, I had the Goddesses fight and then forgive. They end up kissing and lie down together and create life out of beauty.

20 Sep


I'm not going to blame mercury retro because it's been happening for a while, but everything feels split. Not in a crazy skitzo way more just a need to reconcile. For years I have been over-compartmentalizing. It's a sort of self preservation system you use to get you through the bad times. Unfortunately it doesn't serve you for the long haul. A lesson I have to keep relearning. Even now, writing this, part of my brain is like NO this site is for your writing and performing not your spiritual journey!! but how are those two things separate? I know better, which is also part of the problem. So I continue to share this. Shut up brain!! :)Rehearsals for...
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