A friend/astrologer told me this year in particular Leos had a hard time in July. I was like July: alway sucks! I was truly overwhelmed but I DID IT!! Let’s see I re-published 2 Coriander books. I finished Elf scene and Shot the Mth-F-er! Looks great btw. I put together my Paris travel videos (will post soon) AND had to take care of some good friends in need. Also organized No Room for Shakespeare read thru in Sept. Stay tuned.
Today was my first own day. Yes I had to organize and send out texts and emails but it has literally nothing planned on my calendar!! I scrubbed my stove after the grape seed oil debacle of weeks ago (I had to get brillos) did laundry and cleaned my car and now feel oddly at peace!
The only thing so far on the docket, besides the little reading in Sept is publishing An Elf to Live For. We did the trailer/short and it looks amazing! Pics next month. I had a wonderful birthday party. We drank Rosé, had cheese, crepes and watched the travel slide show and video I made. It was all actually perfect. For the second half of 2019 all I want is peace of mind. Last 10 months have sucked so bad. I almost didn’t make it. But i did. Yay for me. I’d like to not be in emotional throws for a tiny little bit. I think I’m gonna work on Book of Prayer OR Zucchini. Both of those are long and will tale a lot of work. Maybe I can get Zen with it? Or perhaps I have a few short stories buzzing in my brain….or new songs for HTT????? We shall see.