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31 Aug

Sweet Summer Endings

waterjar SO summer happened. My Birthday party was fun. I crashed (as usual) from Fringe Fest. Rewrote Nerd Anarchy. Wow that was hard. I had to download a work flow chart program to keep track of the changes and new endings!! Everyone seems to really like the new version! Now to research where and when to do it again!!! Muahh hahha! I finished Mourning at Magoge. I think it’s pretty cool. Yes it will be my next ebook! Of course I don’t really know what to do with the first one, but maybe having two I can push them harder. I haven’t yet truly found their audience. I also vacillate on the homo thing. SO I have decide the next Fantastical Fiction will be pa short story from Propensity. (and that’s a a romantic gay scifi story so there….) On an even better-er-er note I am mid writing 3 Numbers in the Middle of Nowhere. Can you say AWESOME?!?!?!?!! Yea it’s kind of really good. Well at the mid point, we’ll see if I fuck it up 🙂 I didn’t write an entry last month. No reason. I got a tad dark. I got all caught up in finalities and other people’s score cards. It’s all right. You gotta go there sometimes. but then it’s important to remember what’s important. I think Mike in ICU helped facilitate that. So sad. So terrifying. Take the feeling, the pain, the truth of it all, and put it in your belly. Let it define you do not ignore it. Be stronger. Oh and this picture is sacred water I made for Rebecca and Dan’s wedding. Super magick!!!!

David LeBarron
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