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16 Jul

A Little Breath Goes A Long Way


Been trying to do some active meditation. YA know, breathe and peace out before it’s too late and I am overwhelmed. Went to the Norton Simon. WOW, I love that place. Haven’t been in YEARS! Why is that? Simple things that bring us happiness or comfort and we “forget” to do them? Walk in the Park. Museum? Reading (like in the middle of the day, just stopping it all and reading for an hour. I’ve been doing this, and it’s awesome). Stretching. Journaling? I mean come on they’re all so simple. And it takes so little effort just to come down and stop all the crazy. Casu it gets crazy. It’s been a crazy couple of years, right? Especially the last 18 months. I mean there’s only so much ABBA I can listen to!!! LOL

I told myself I get a year to be a bar owner then I can get back to being an artist. Well the year was up a while ago BUT the year of owning the bar is September 1! So I am trying NO I AM DOING a thing: I am making writing time. Much like I’ve been doing reading time. Just carve out 2pm to 5pm is writing time. I have to retrain myself. I always write in the morning. NOW I work at the bar and work out. Which is also very important. Not more just also. SO if I can become that guy who writes every afternoon I’ll be stoked. I mean, I can’t remember the author, but he wrote his best-selling novels on the subway. SO there’s that. Not looking for excuses or promises.


Writing is hard. I love it. It defines me. It makes me breathe. Hey, Buddha send some love this way? Thanks man.


David LeBarron
Instagram Gallery