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16 Sep

Inspiration is well…inspiring

This pic of the Bowl has little to do with this month’s thoughts. Except I love going to the Bowl. I love having my little box. I love walking around. And of course, I love the music! SO inspiring! It makes me think about: what is inspiration? The goddess Bridget is said to be the goddess of inspiration to poets and muses. I think of her a lot. I have a lot of tiny ideas bouncing around my head: this book about being a young queer kid in the suburbs is really shaking my tail feathers and this idea about the now that you’re 21 and you get to drink advice from uncle David is also making me laugh and inspiring antidotes. I wonder when I will be able to explore the art of writing as a writer and not just the inspiration…. however, I am super super grateful for all the creativity that runs through my head, all the ideas,  and the single lines of text that keep me up at night.

…that keep me up at night or that make me laugh on the treadmill. This is what being an artist is like, to constantly be coming up with ideas and lines and text and inspiration. This is what moves me to passion. However, now I want to be led to actually write to create, to hold a body of work. It is a weird goal to simply create. It’s not like the goal is to write a novel. Or the goal is to be in France lol. It’s more like the goal is to simply have a journey… and yet we have to have a journey. How can you not have a journey, even a boring lame work laden journey lol!

I applied to the New York City fringe I will soon apply to Brighton French I hope I really hope I get into one of them it would be so nice to do this play again. Monsters is such a part of me now like a piece of me that I need to fondle and create and hug and love again.  I reread it the other day and cried! Cried like a bratty little artist. Not just because it was good but because it was such a part of me and there it was on the page and I had spoken those words to people. To share. Have shared it. It’s funny. I do not think of myself as brave. I simply do. And I suppose to many that is bravery?? I am not sure. Can I be inspired to bravery? Is it brave to be inspired? Dare I hear the words on the wind and battling my brain. Those words I get in the way of and honor? We shall see where this takes me. Hopefully, to NYC and ENGLAND!! ha ha ha and also to somewhere in my space that has me clicking and typing badly as I again share a truth or imagined truth or secret truth that I dare not but do.


David LeBarron
Instagram Gallery