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29 Aug

BBB (B’day Busy-Body)

Yup. I turned 56. YIKES! So it doesn’t feel that much older than 55 but apparently, I look older lol because now everyone says ‘oh yeah you look about your age,’ which is the first time that’s ever happened to me! I think I’m OK with it??? It was a lot of traveling in August. I went to Joshua Tree with my tribe and that was lovely; and then I went to Palm Springs with my boys and that was lovely; and then I went to Big Bear with my Cmen group and that was lovely; and all this lovelyness was a lot of partying and I’m a little tired around the edges! Ouch! I never thought I’d have to come back to work to slow down.

However, on a more amazing note about work, as of the 28th our Conditional Use Permit, or CUP, has been renewed hurrah hurrah hurrah!! Tons of work. Tons of stress. Tons of time spent. All that stress is somewhat evaporated as of now. The final hurdle in buying Akbar is done!

On a more artistic note, I’ve been outlining two different pieces. One is a series of meetings of various Doms, some real so  not, and I think I’m gonna call it Meeting Dom lol. On a more heavy note, there’s a second book I’m thinking of sort of outlining…. it’s a bit poetic about a neighbor who I grew up with and the fantasy of who we would have been to one another had there not been a world of homophobia, shame and violence in our childhoods. As of now I’m calling it  Time Over Time, based on a real-life fantasy. What we should have been to one another. Hmmm…. What a weird concept… to well, just… after your birthday, to look back and think of who I should’ve been. Who I could have been. What I might have been. It’s very similar to my play Monsters, which is hopefully going to Brighton Fringe Festival this year. It’s a weird thing, isn’t it, to wonder had the world been a happier and more lovely place, perhaps I would not have had to work so hard to make it lovely now????

Also I have started voice dictation instead of writing for this blog and I think it’s pretty cool but it will probably sound more rambling than normal not tha not that my fingers don’t ramble all the time on their own lol OK happy August here’s to the autumn and fall coming I hope as the light diminishes I can find time energy and space to be more of an artist and less of an asshole manager.


The Cabin:

David LeBarron
Instagram Gallery