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July 2011

David LeBarron / 2011 / July
26 Jul

Mwake re-write is awesome

Here's Ardy! So this is a picture of Mwake's Dad. Who is Mwake you ask? She's the lead character in my story of evolution! I tell how she adapted and changed as the Earth and her environments altered. She becomes a mitochondrial eve of sorts. I really wanted to tell how adaptation gave us different skin color and stuff. All those physical things we pretend is race, and judge each other on, when it's really just adaptation. The trick was to not be too too scientific and more fun story. here's the science-y part:As the tribe grew in size, our friends wandered out of Africa and literally all over the world! We spread up through the Middle...
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13 Jul


My friend's blog Breaking The Eggs is all about storytelling. In this recent blog he talks about our origins of storytellers in comparison to origin stories of popular comic characters. I wrote the following:I so easily recall being in 3rd grade and finding D'aulaire's Book of Greek Myths. I memorized most of them with in months. Then I would recount and re-tell to any and everyone who'd listen. I just kind of never stopped. Of course new stories have been added. Other myths. Personal stories. Mono's on everything. BUT I still tell the Greeks. I just did Achilles and re-wrote Persephone. I think I still recall the memory so easily because, albeit at a young age and not understanding...
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7 Jul

Taping VO for Dr. Tina..taping VO for Dr. TIna….

Get it? Like paging..I crack me up! :) We're currently, like right now, recording voice over for episode 1. Man Drew Droege is one funny Motherf-er! He just laid down an adlibs final mono that slayed us! I love writing for funny people. They just get it and know how to improve it. No egos just comedy. Thank you divas! BTW the picture is the Sting puppet. Doesn't it look JUST like him? LMAO ...
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